oh my.. did i do it wrong? ^_^'
hehehe... ^_^'
sorry... it's the first time i was asked a challenge so i wasn't sure how to send it ^_^' hehehe...
and i also had a bit of problem uploading it coz of it's size ^_^'
well, i guess i cant just resubmit it so i think i'll try again next time hehehe... ^_^
oh,i just read your comment on hiei and i'll make this my reply to your comment on hiei coz i cant post more than 3 replies hehehe...
yeah it's from that all white pose i just love that pose so i decided to use that pose then add a little somethimg here and there hehehe ^_^
Last edited by zyxcixen at 4:52:22 AM EDT on March 30, 2009.
aw, it's not showing up in the contest enteries. {EDIT--It's showing up now! ^o^} If you didn't submit it through there, then I can't give you a TheO medal, but I'll still include it with the other prizes, including the gift for the first 3 enteries ^.~ (but you may want to say something about it being for a YYH Beyond! contest so I know I'm talking about the right fanart XD)
There is an entery that does not show up in this challenge by TaigaPakkunari4ev which is still being judged for the additional prizes like other enteries.
Last edited by tiggerola at 6:09:39 PM EDT on March 24, 2009.
sorry i couldn't reply to you earlier i was a little busy hehehe...
anyway, i choose hiei to draw and i finished it somehow hehe..
i wasnt able to read your comment until now
it really might have helped me a lot if i read it earlier
anyway, thanks for the thought at least
i dont know what ill do for the background so i did it like that although i havent drawn in that way for many years now and i really hate using rulers so i didnt use one and it kinda ended up like that hehehe...
its not much but hope you like it hehehe
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 03/17/09 | Reply
NOTE TO THOSE IT MAY CONCERN Some far future stuff will deal with the kids of the yuyu gang, so I've done a scribble that may be of help to anyone wishing to submit a fanart of them
^_^ yeah something like that but i still cant decide who to draw ^_^'
and i havent seen the YYHBeyond
so that's why i asked if it's ok to draw a character fan art ^_^
anyway, thanks ^_^
i guess i'll just have to decide
who i'll draw, it's pose, and a good bg for it
^_^ thanks again
hmmm...I guess we can let you do that Hope your sprained hand gets healed quick and painlessly for you! I'm not an artist but I've had hand out of commission before myself >~<
jw (or you can surprise me) were you thinking of a nice shaded b&w scetch or a line art that I could color in? (Or *gasp* the shaded one for the contest and a sepaarate lineart for fun XD)
i'm sorry for the late reply, i've been busy these past two weeks ^_^ hehehe... well, i don't know if i can coz i sprained my right arm the other day after i made a flower painting but i think i'll still try just for the fun of it ^_^ umm... is it ok if it's not a colored one but just a plain black-gray-white character fan art?
Beyond! is just a continuation of YYH, so If there is someone (or some characters) you'd like to draw from YYH and/or a theme or mood you feel like creating in an artwork, you can PM me what and I can tell you of some related things that would work with the Beyond! series ^^
Sorry, but it looks like I won't be able to do it after all. If it was just about the show I miiiight have been able to, but I'm not familiar with Beyond. Sorry again.
Thanks for the invitation! ^^ Hmmm not quite sure if I'll join since I haven't read the Beyond series, I'll try reading them if I have the time. I like YYH but not really a fan. This sounds cool and I would love to join but can't really say that I'll join. I'll keep in touch.
Thanks for the invite. :) But I'm not really a fanart person, nor YYH unfortunately. ;__; I didn't watch many of the eps, and I'm only fairly familiar with the characters. XD But I think my main problem is drawing and juggling school, lol. But thanks again. Good luck to all the participants!! ^_^
It is my sequel series to YuYu Hakusho. I have a link to the world where I post it, but if you would like to do a fanart of just characters that were in YYH, I can suggest some scenes/episodes from Beyond! if you would still like to participate in this challenge
Yes, you should totally do it just for fun, having fun is the point of the challenge! Thank you for saying you'll join! I look forward to what you come up with!
YYHBeyond! is my sequel series to YYH that I've been working on since college (ouch that dates me XD) It's like DBZ is to DB ^^ I have a link on top to the world where I post it. If you just want to work with YYH characters, I can suggest a few scenes and/or a specific episode to look at for ideas
I'll join! ^.^ Can I use the request you made? I have it all drawn out, I just have to finnish the line art... but since it's a contest entry it'll also be colored... is that Ok?
oh sounds cool
and I havent even heard of the series
but I might still do this just for fun so I can get used to diong fan art
cause I dont do much of that XD
Ill join
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 03/09/09 | Reply
jw, can you draw dragons? Because I can give you a description of a dragon in the series if you want. Also your cats were so cute, I can tell you something of the future where an illustration of Eikichi with a litter of kittens would be very significant ^.~
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/10/09 | Reply
Lol, that's what I get for submitting within the last few hours I guess. Good job all, I had fun working on this project.
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
woah, thought I had until the 11th. Guess I've got some work to do tonight!
Otakuite++ | Posted 03/30/09 | Reply
oh my.. did i do it wrong? ^_^'
hehehe... ^_^'
sorry... it's the first time i was asked a challenge so i wasn't sure how to send it ^_^' hehehe...
and i also had a bit of problem uploading it coz of it's size ^_^'
well, i guess i cant just resubmit it so i think i'll try again next time hehehe... ^_^
oh,i just read your comment on hiei and i'll make this my reply to your comment on hiei coz i cant post more than 3 replies hehehe...
yeah it's from that all white pose i just love that pose so i decided to use that pose then add a little somethimg here and there hehehe ^_^
Last edited by zyxcixen at 4:52:22 AM EDT on March 30, 2009.
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 03/24/09 | Reply
aw, it's not showing up in the contest enteries. {EDIT--It's showing up now! ^o^} If you didn't submit it through there, then I can't give you a TheO medal, but I'll still include it with the other prizes, including the gift for the first 3 enteries ^.~ (but you may want to say something about it being for a YYH Beyond! contest so I know I'm talking about the right fanart XD)
There is an entery that does not show up in this challenge by TaigaPakkunari4ev which is still being judged for the additional prizes like other enteries.
Last edited by tiggerola at 6:09:39 PM EDT on March 24, 2009.
Otakuite++ | Posted 03/24/09 | Reply
sorry i couldn't reply to you earlier i was a little busy hehehe...

anyway, i choose hiei to draw and i finished it somehow hehe..
i wasnt able to read your comment until now
it really might have helped me a lot if i read it earlier
anyway, thanks for the thought at least
i dont know what ill do for the background so i did it like that although i havent drawn in that way for many years now and i really hate using rulers so i didnt use one and it kinda ended up like that hehehe...

its not much but hope you like it hehehe
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 03/17/09 | Reply
NOTE TO THOSE IT MAY CONCERN Some far future stuff will deal with the kids of the yuyu gang, so I've done a scribble that may be of help to anyone wishing to submit a fanart of them
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 03/16/09 | Reply
Well, when you decide which character you would like to draw, I'll give you the update on him/her so you can accurately portray them ^_^
Otakuite++ | Posted 03/15/09 | Reply
^_^ yeah something like that but i still cant decide who to draw ^_^'
and i havent seen the YYHBeyond
so that's why i asked if it's ok to draw a character fan art ^_^
anyway, thanks ^_^
i guess i'll just have to decide
who i'll draw, it's pose, and a good bg for it
^_^ thanks again
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/13/09 | Reply
Oh, sounds fun. Ill try too. :D
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 03/13/09 | Reply
hmmm...I guess we can let you do that
Hope your sprained hand gets healed quick and painlessly for you! I'm not an artist but I've had hand out of commission before myself >~<
jw (or you can surprise me) were you thinking of a nice shaded b&w scetch or a line art that I could color in? (Or *gasp* the shaded one for the contest and a sepaarate lineart for fun XD)
Otakuite++ | Posted 03/13/09 | Reply
i'm sorry for the late reply, i've been busy these past two weeks ^_^ hehehe... well, i don't know if i can coz i sprained my right arm the other day after i made a flower painting but i think i'll still try just for the fun of it ^_^ umm... is it ok if it's not a colored one but just a plain black-gray-white character fan art?
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/11/09 | Reply
I accept your challenge! The long promised drawing shall now be put to the forefront of my workload.
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 03/10/09 | Reply
@The Thief Kuronue:
Beyond! is just a continuation of YYH, so If there is someone (or some characters) you'd like to draw from YYH and/or a theme or mood you feel like creating in an artwork, you can PM me what and I can tell you of some related things that would work with the Beyond! series ^^
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/10/09 | Reply
Sure I might give it a shot
The Thief Kuronue
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/10/09 | Reply
Sorry, but it looks like I won't be able to do it after all. If it was just about the show I miiiight have been able to, but I'm not familiar with Beyond. Sorry again.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/09/09 | Reply
Thanks for the invitation! ^^ Hmmm not quite sure if I'll join since I haven't read the Beyond series, I'll try reading them if I have the time. I like YYH but not really a fan. This sounds cool and I would love to join but can't really say that I'll join. I'll keep in touch.
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 03/09/09 | Reply
Thanks for the invite. :) But I'm not really a fanart person, nor YYH unfortunately. ;__; I didn't watch many of the eps, and I'm only fairly familiar with the characters. XD But I think my main problem is drawing and juggling school, lol. But thanks again. Good luck to all the participants!! ^_^
zero guardian
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/09/09 | Reply
ok, I think I might use the Beyond! one
your welcome
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 03/09/09 | Reply
@haseo luver92:
Thanks! I can't wait to see what you come up with!
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 03/09/09 | Reply
Well, there's two months if you change your mind, but if not, I understand ^^
haseo luver92
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/09/09 | Reply
coolz!! this sounds like fun!! i'll definitely join!!
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 03/09/09 | Reply
It is my sequel series to YuYu Hakusho. I have a link to the world where I post it, but if you would like to do a fanart of just characters that were in YYH, I can suggest some scenes/episodes from Beyond! if you would still like to participate in this challenge
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 03/09/09 | Reply
@Rein Akira:
Of course you may :3 Oh colored,
I can't wait to see it!
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 03/09/09 | Reply
@zero guardian:
Yes, you should totally do it just for fun, having fun is the point of the challenge!
Thank you for saying you'll join! I look forward to what you come up with!
YYHBeyond! is my sequel series to YYH that I've been working on since college (ouch that dates me XD) It's like DBZ is to DB ^^ I have a link on top to the world where I post it. If you just want to work with YYH characters, I can suggest a few scenes and/or a specific episode to look at for ideas
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/09/09 | Reply
I appreciate the invite, but I dont know that series!
Sounds like fun though, I'll keep my eyes open for more ^^
Rein Akira
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/09/09 | Reply
I'll join! ^.^ Can I use the request you made? I have it all drawn out, I just have to finnish the line art... but since it's a contest entry it'll also be colored... is that Ok?
zero guardian
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/09/09 | Reply
oh sounds cool
and I havent even heard of the series
but I might still do this just for fun so I can get used to diong fan art
cause I dont do much of that XD
Ill join
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 03/09/09 | Reply
jw, can you draw dragons? Because I can give you a description of a dragon in the series if you want. Also your cats were so cute, I can tell you something of the future where an illustration of Eikichi with a litter of kittens would be very significant ^.~